wxwidget中的wxBufferedDC使用方法 less than 1 minute readwxBufferedDC的目的是為了減少閃碩等畫面更新可能帶來的問題,它有幾個預設的constructer,若是要在wxBufferedDC中自己維持一個bitmap以增進速度,則方法是先new出一個bitmap object<pre>wxDC* dc2 = new wxClientDC(this);...
c++ STL中的Deque使用 less than 1 minute read基本上,deque是個雙向佇列,所以可自由的從最前面或最後面加入元素。當要清空deque時,若使用<pre>deque.clear();</pre>則bulid debug mode下的project會過不了,在release mode下會過但執行時有時會跳出例外。最後我找到的soulti...
Welcome To Jekyll less than 1 minute readYou’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...